A to Z Community Groups

Community Centre (The Old School)

Long Melford, Suffolk, CO10 9DX

For bookings please contact Rosey Eade
Tel: 07711 242481 (for bookings)
Email: rosey26@me.com

Good Neighbours Scheme

Could you spare some time to join this group of volunteers? The Good Neighbours scheme assist adult residents of Long Melford parish. For more information about being a volunteer, without obligation, please contact Good Neighbours.

Long Melford Cricket Club

Meeting Field, Long Melford, CO10 9JZ

Tel: 01787 373063


Long Melford Ex-Service & Working Men’s Club

Hall Street, Long Melford (next to Spicer’s Lane), CO10 9JL

Tel: 01787 371182

Long Melford Football Club

Stoneylands, Long Melford, CO10 9JY


Long Melford Historical & Archaeological Society

Long Melford Parish Council

The Parish Offices, Cordell Road, CO10 9EH

Tel: 01787 378084

Email: clerk@longmelford-pc.gov.uk


Long Melford Primary School

Long Melford Scout Group

Scout HQ, Chemist Lane, Long Melford, CO10 9JQ


The Long Melford Scout Group consists of Brownies, Guides, Cubs, Scouts and Explorers. Please visit website for more information.

Long Melford Village Memorial Hall

Access via Chemist Lane, Hall Street, Long Melford, CO10 9JQ

Tel: 07379 894325

Email: lettings.longmelfordvillagehall@hotmail.com


Long Melford Women’s Institute

Tel: 01787 375862 – Jane Ebejer (President)

Long Melford WI is part of the Suffolk West Federation of the WI and is affiliated to the National Federation of Women’s Institutes, NFWI, the largest women’s organisation in the UK. Members come from Long Melford and several neighbouring villages.

Meetings are held on the second Thursday of the month, and usually consist of a talk or demonstrations on a variety of subjects. Arrival time 7.15pm for 7.30pm start. Visitors are always welcome. Come and see what we have to offer.

Melford Movies

Long Melford Memorial Village Hall, Chemist Lane, Long Melford, CO10 9JQ

Tel: 07960 043519


Project Seven

Our aim is simply to help as many local Charities and Organisations as possible. We raise money during the year from BBQs, Teas, Coffees, Cabaret and Car Park Management, but our main event is the Big Night Out in November each year in Melford Hall Park. We also provide logistical support to other organisations.

Swayne & Partners Veterinary Surgeons

The Veterinary Surgery, Little St Mary’s, Long Melford, CO10 9HY

Tel: 01787 370773